Clinic Privacy Policy

The Physio Space and Integrative Wellness Center believes that every person has the right to privacy. We are committed to protecting our client’s privacy and the confidentiality of our client’s personal information by enforcing the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.


What is Personal Information?

Personal Information is information about an identifiable individual. Personal information includes information that relates to their personal characteristics (e.g. gender, age, home address, phone number, ethnic background), their health (e.g. health history, health conditions), or their activities and views (e.g. religion, politics, opinions expressed by an individual).


What is the purpose for collecting your personal information?

In order to serve our clients and provide treatment, it is very important for us to collect personal information including the client’s history, family history and previous treatments the client may have received in the past. We also collect information such as name, home address, email, DOB, physician contact information as well as emergency contact information. We collect occupational and lifestyle information such as occupation, ergonomic considerations, social history and lifestyle management. We take a full history including a medical and musculoskeletal history, subjective symptoms and client goals. We document all objective assessments including consent to assess and treat, analysis, clinical impressions and treatment recommendations. We also document all exercise prescriptions, treatments performed, instructions regarding home exercises, client adherence, involvement of other care providers, treatment outcomes and discharge status.


Privacy Requirements

All Registered Physiotherapists in Ontario must comply with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) that protects the confidentiality of personal information and personal health information. For more information visit the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario website.


How Your Information is Shared

We rely on our client’s expressed consent or acknowledgment contained within a written, verbal or electronic process. The client will be asked to sign a written consent form and we will provide the client an opportunity to identify to whom their information can be released. An example of this would be physiotherapy findings being sent to your family physician or massage therapist.


Your Rights

The client’s consent can be canceled at any time, however written notice of their intentions must be provided directly to the clinic owner.

We will not release any personal information without the client’s expressed consent, except in the case of an emergency, or when required by law.

We are required by law to keep our client files for a period of 10 years. After keeping the materials for the required 10 years, all information is destroyed.

On our website, personal information is collected when clients contact us with requests for information or questions they may have. The information is also protected under our privacy policy and is treated the same as information we collect.


Protecting Personal Information

We understand the importance of protecting personal information. For that reason, we have taken the following steps:

  • Paper information is under supervision or secured in a locked, restricted area. All paper files containing personal information are shredded.
  • All of our clinical files including your personal information are stored electronically through a medical software company called Jane- Clinic & Practice Management Software. Jane data is stored on secure servers using 256-bit encryption in a secure facility in Montreal. Practitioners and administrators access Jane by using their own account secured by a username and password. All computers at The Physio Space and Integrative Wellness Center
    are password protected. The clinic premises are protected by an alarm.
  • Staff is trained to collect, use and disclose personal information only as necessary to fulfill their duties and in accordance with our privacy policy.
  • No person outside of The Physio Space and Integrative Wellness Center have access to our medical software except the following, each of who abides by their respective professional privacy standards: receptionists, bookkeeper, Jane technical support workers (software troubleshooting), College of Physiotherapists of Ontario (audit purposes) and duty by law to report.


Contact Us

Chantale Pryor is the Health Information Custodian for The Physio Space and Integrative Wellness Center. To find out more about our privacy protection practices, or raise any concerns, contact Chantale at:

Address: 1200 Colonial Road Unit 110 Navan Ontario K4B 1J5
Tel: 613-429-9000

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario:

Address: 2 Bloor Street East, suite 1400 Toronto, ON M4W 1A8
Tel: 416-326-3333
Toll free: 1-800-387-0073

Copyright @ 2023 The Physio Space