Let’s talk post-natal…

  • 33% of women experience urinary incontinence in the first 3 months post partum (Thom and Rortveit 2010).
  • 3-6 months post partum, 29% of women reported incontinence of stool and/or gas (Guise et al 2007).
  • 7% experience pain with penetrative intercourse at first attempt after vaginal or caesarean birth.
  • 22% of women continue to have painful intercourse beyond 18mo post-partum (McDonald et al, 2016).
  • What are the benefits of a 6-week postnatal physiotherapy appointment?

It is a 1-hour long discussion ABOUT YOU.

We first start with an in depth conversation about your pregnancy, birth story and what your goals are.

We then ask a number of questions about your past medical history, aches/pains, pelvic health status, sex, sleep, bladder, bowel, feeding and exercise.

Depending on your symptoms and goals, we will move onto the assessment:

  • Breathing
  • Movement
  • Sore joints or spine
  • Posture
  • Diastasis Recti and Core strength
  • Perineal tear/episiotomy OR caesarean section scar
  • Pelvic floor, which includes assessing strength/weakness of the muscles and ligaments, prolapse and pain.
  • Return to exercise testing

Based on your assessment findings, we can provide specific core and pelvic floor exercises tailored to your needs and goals. We aim to help all new moms return to their previous level of function whether it is weight loss, exercise, intercourse, bladder and bowel function.

Don’t wait until you are symptomatic to seek help. As they say, once postnatal, always postnatal.

If you have never had your ‘6 week check’ – it’s never too late! Your Women’s Health Physiotherapist is well placed to help assess and educate you on what’s common, normal and what your options are for treatment.

Call us today at 613-429-9000 to book your appointment. If you prefer email we can be reached by email here.

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