Acupuncture has been used for over 3000 years to treat ailments from pain to more complex diseases in the human body. Often sought out when no other treatment has seen positive results, acupuncture looks at the whole person to identify the root (Ben) instead of the just the manifestation (Biao).
Treatments are tailored to the individual instead of the disease. Acupuncture incorporates the use of needles, moxa, cupping, gua sha, tuina and exercise such as qigong and tai chi.
For individuals who are needle phobic, Acupressure is an effective alternative.
At The Physio Space and Integrative Wellness Center
in Navan, we’re dedicated to treating the whole person – not just their symptoms. Acupuncture is an ancient form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that is believed to stimulate your body to do the work it needs in order to heal itself.
Acupuncture is for anyone wishing to combat pain without pills. It is for those who want more natural holistic way to compliment the healthcare they are already receiving.
Because we all know there is more to life than just surviving.
Your body is a complex and dynamic system already capable of healing itself in many cases (think of your immune system or the way your body reacts to a cut). Acupuncture is believed to stimulate the nerve bundles and connective tissues that allow your body to begin the work of healing itself.
Treatment applications include but not limited to: maintenance of general health, pain management, digestive issues, infertility and menstrual cycle pain, migraine headaches, insomnia as well as common conditions: pain and injuries.
For a full list of treatment applications, please visit A Classic Touch Acupuncture.
General Health
Acupuncture can help in general overall wellness through relaxation and it’s effect on the immune system.
Pain Management
Whether you suffer from acute to chronic pain, Acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) modalities can help decrease pain and swelling to increasing range of motion. See common conditions below for more details.
Digestive Issues
Constipation, diarrhea, colitis, ulcers, indigestion, nausea, heartburn and vomiting.
Migraine Headaches
Migraine and headache sufferers may find relief with Acupuncture. As pain relief is indicated in many acupuncture points, patients may experience diminished symptoms or full resolution.
Fertility and Menstrual Cycle Issues
Acupuncture has been shown to have favorable results in fertility issues. Recognizing that both partners may need to be treated in order to conceive, treatment may involve regulating the menstrual cycle or increasing sperm count. Acupuncture can be incorporated with IVF or used on its own.
Acupuncture can help the body return to “rest and digest” which may allow a person to restore their circadian rhythm. Whether your insomnia is due to menopause, stress or over thinking, you may want to give it a try.
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